20+ Great Podcasts for Kids
We love podcasts for kids, especially while driving in the car. Podcasts are great for road trips and travel or just a day at home hanging out. Check out these podcasts for kids that we absolutely love (many of which we listen to on repeat).

This week, as I drove the boys to school, T started reciting by memory his favorite episode of his very favorite podcast. The boys listen to podcasts and audiobooks in the car regularly, but they have a few favorites they really love and ask to hear over and over and… over again. T started reciting this particular episode after I declined to turn it on and listen to it … yet again.
I guess I got to listen to it anyway. I’m biased, of course, but this was a much cuter version than the original (and surprisingly accurate).
If you haven’t tried listening to kids’ podcasts with your children, I highly recommend it. The boys love it and learn so much from them. The best podcasts are pretty entertaining for adults as well. I’ve definitely found myself listening to the last few minutes of an episode after my kids have hopped out of the car or I’ve dropped them off at school. They’re seriously that good.
My boys listen to podcasts primarily while in the car, though they also listen to them while coloring or doing puzzles at home and also on airplanes. Beyond the intellectual and developmental benefits, the boys
A few weeks ago, I shared several audiobook series that are great options to help kids develop the skill of listening to stories without pictures or written words. Podcasts are another easy and free way to listen to fun, educational material in smaller snippets than audiobooks.
These are a few of the podcasts my boys absolutely love, as well as a few more with high ratings that aren’t quite perfect for my kids but might be a great fit for yours.
The Best Podcasts for Kids

Smash Boom Best
This debate show is a HUGE hit in our house. We have listened to every episode at least twice, and they still love to scroll through the archives to revisit all the kid-friendly debates. On the show, two seasoned debaters discuss things like cheese vs. chocolate and spiders vs. snakes. Each debate is judged by a kid in the studio with the debaters which is really neat.
The debates are anything by dry. The participants debate through fun storytelling and sneak attack challenges. The boys have learned so much from this podcast (as have I). I definitely recommend this one.
My boys even like to host debates between themselves and with us. They choose topics and go head-to-head in a debate of their own.

Moment of Um
Each day, the creators of this podcast (who also happen to make several other podcasts on this list) answer one simple question that often leaves us stumped. Episodes answer questions like “Do spiders poop?” and “How do trees form rings?” and “Why do words sound funny when repeated?”
This is such a fun podcast with just a snippet of joy to fill a short car ride or listen to while eating breakfast. This is one of many podcasts on this list that I think most parents will even love.

Million Bazillion
This podcast helps kids and their families make sense of money. Far too few kids have financial literacy skills, even by the time they graduate from high school and head off on their own. This podcast intends to introduce kids to money and, honestly, do the financial education that too many parents and schools either can’t or aren’t doing for our kids. The show is fun and engaging and my boys fell in love after just one episode!

Forever Ago
This history show travels back in time to explore the origin of just one thing. The host invites a different child to co-host each episode. A research correspondent takes everyone ‘back to the beginning’ to examine the evolution of one popular thing that resonates with kids today.
My boys love the whole show, but their favorite part is the “First Things First” game played on each episode. The boys play along, trying to put in historical order three inventions related to the show’s topic.
This show only had one season, and it’s a couple of years old now. I’ve been contemplating writing to the show creators, begging them to create more seasons. My boys listened to the entire first season and continue to ask to listen to episodes again and again (as evidenced by T reciting the entire episode about sandwiches by heart as we drove to school).
If you haven’t listened to this show, definitely check out this series even though it’s in the archives. As for podcasts for kids, this should definitely be “at the beginning.”

Wow in the World
This podcast is so good! It’s witty, creative, entertaining, and really educational. Each episode is built around a recently-released scientific study and covers the topic in a way that’s accessible to kids yet still really interesting for parents.
We like this show so much that we attended a live event a few months ago. No surprise, we loved it! I can’t recommend this podcast enough. Further, if you haven’t listened to every episode, definitely dig through the archives.

Is teeth brushing an epic battle in your house too? Don’t you think after doing it day in and day out, kids would get the hang? Not in my house. Chompers to the rescue.
This two-minute twice-daily podcast leads kids through the teeth-brushing process while also discussing a snippet of interesting information. It shows my kids for how long they really ought to brush their teeth. Without it, they’re always quick to flee the scene of the sink.
This podcast is only available on Spotify.

The news is pretty boring for most kids, but it’s also kind of important for kids to start to get an idea of what’s going on in the world around them and why it matters. This podcast gives kids a safe and age-appropriate introduction to being mindful citizens and paying attention to the happenings of the world. This is just what so many kids need without feeling overwhelming or fearful.

Mystery Recipe
Welcome to America’s Test Kitchen for Kids. Each episode highlights one special ingredient and teaches kids all about it. Then it leads up to a mystery recipe to be shared at the end of the episode. The podcast also includes online content to go along with each episode to help kids develop kitchen skills, like chopping onions and roasting broccoli. It’s a fun way to get kids excited about cooking!

Brains On! Science Podcast for Kids
From the same team that produces Forever Ago, this podcast brings together kid scientists and reporters from public radio to ponder questions about all things science. They ask questions ranging from the science behind sneezing to how to translate the purr of cats.
The format of the show is similar to Forever Ago with a conversation between a kid and an adult host, snippets from experts to explain the science, and games in the middle to let listeners interact with the show.

Bobby Wonder
This is a fictional podcast about a boy who, at ten years old, learns that he is an alien with superpowers. He has the superpowers for only three years and needs to use them to protect his hometown from the bad aliens, led by another ten-year-old, Mighty Mila
The podcast is silly and engaging. My boys typically prefer non-fiction podcasts, but they really like this one a lot. If your kids prefer storytelling podcasts, this is definitely one they might like.

Highlights Hangout
This podcast springs from the Highlights magazines many of us knew as kids and still fill mailboxes today. The show maintains a variety show format with various sections, at times aligned with regular features of the magazine, and is produced by the same team that makes Wow in the World.
They have a segment with Goofus and Gallant. They also include a hidden sound, like their hidden pictures puzzle in each edition of the magazine, that is sneakily played several times throughout the episode.
My younger son likes this more than my older son. However, I think this is a facet of their personalities, not their age. I don’t think the show is specific to younger children, but it is a bit more magical and imaginative compared to Forever Ago and Wow in the World, which are much more fact-based and scientific.
Heads up: The archives for this podcast still are available. However, they didn’t make a ton of episodes and we haven’t heard any new ones lately.

Dream Big
A young girl leads this podcast, sometimes co-hosting with her mother and other times hosting by herself. The content focuses on encouraging children to step out of their comfort zone and pursue their biggest dreams.
In some episodes, the host interviews someone who can provide inspirational and motivational advice to kids. Other episodes follow the format of a story with a moral or conclusion related to working hard and following dreams.
I enjoy some of the episodes, particularly the interview episodes. At times the story episodes feel a little preachy or over-the-top, but the boys really enjoy the show.

Other Great Non-Fiction Podcasts for Kids
We have listened to a few episodes of each of these podcasts. They all have great content though we aren’t quite as passionate about them as the ones above. Definitely check them out and let your kids be the judge.

But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids
Show Description “But Why is a show led by kids. They ask the questions and we find the answers. It’s a big, interesting world out there. On But Why, we tackle topics large and small, about nature, words, even the end of the world.”

The Past and The Curious: A History Podcast for Kids and Families
Show Description “Parents love us, teachers love us, and most importantly, kids do too! History can be amazing, inspiring, and relevant to anyone. We love to share the stories of spies, funny foods, George Washington’s foibles, early advancements in cartooning and ballooning, and much more.”

Tumble Science Podcast for Kids
Show Description “Exploring stories of science discovery. Tumble is a science podcast created to be enjoyed by the whole family.”
Fictional Storytime Podcasts for Kids
These podcasts all read or tell fictional stories. Some are simple tales while others are imaginative adventures led by listener questions and input. My boys strongly prefer non-fiction podcasts, so we don’t listen to these often. But I’ve included them because I know other families might have different preferences.
If your kids love a good fairy tale or fictional foray, check out each of these shows, many of which have deep archives to explore.
Stories Podcast | The Tales of Deputy Guppy | Story Time | What If World | Dorothy’s List
My boys love podcasts, and I love that they enjoy listening to them. The biggest challenge we face is that their favorite shows don’t drop new episodes fast enough. While podcast options for adults have swelled, good podcast shows for kids are few and far between.
If you know of any other great podcasts for kids, definitely leave a note in the comments. We are always on the hunt for new shows to add to the playlist!
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What a great list of kid-friendly podcasts! We’d love to recommend The Middle School Mind podcast since it’s the podcast my son and I produce. He is a middle school student and we cover a wide variety of topics like school lunch menu changes, Q&A with middle school teachers and fun topics like video games and figuring out what ASMR is all about. Please take a listen to our show: http://www.themiddleschoolmind.com. We’d love to make your list in a future update!
Thanks for sharing!