Zero Waste Floral Arrangements With Roses From Our Garden
Celebrating simple zero waste wins like this little bouquet of roses, fresh cut from our garden and placed in an upcycled salad dressing bottle turned vase.

Last summer, in the throes of raspberry “harvesting” season (when I pick the 20 – 30 raspberries that are ready each morning.. I know, a real “harvest”), I nearly pulled out the two rose bushes planted right in the middle of the raspberry patch. I pricked myself on those thorns so many times!
The rose bushes flourishing in the middle of our raspberry bushes are a relic from the previous owners. I’ve never made a fuss over fresh flowers in gardens or as gifts. I don’t think M has ever purchased a bouquet of flowers for me, at my request. They’re pretty, but they never really excited me like a box of gourmet chocolates, a new pair of leggings, or a good book. Needless-to-say, I didn’t much care for the roses taking up space among my raspberries, particularly when they drew blood.
Until now, those rose bushes have had my laziness to thank for still hanging out in my garden (and maybe my fear of the pain endured if I did try to actually uproot them). This year, however, I embraced the roses and have come to appreciate them quite a bit.

As they flowered, J helped me gather the flowers. I cut off a handful of roses, and we brought them into the house to make a small bouquet for our counter.
I wouldn’t let J help me arrange the flowers for fear of the nasty thorns getting the best of him. Much to my chagrin, I pricked myself a half dozen times while trying to arrange them like the amateur that I am. But I didn’t draw blood, and the pricks validated my ‘mean mom’ act of excluding J from arranging. I’m always in search of a silver lining.

I arranged the roses in this simple vase that lived its first life as a salad dressing bottle. Although my flower arranging skills are mediocre at best, I’m digging the salad dressing decor. Further, fresh cut flowers from our organic garden, standing tall in an upcycled container before ultimately landing in our compost bin is a serious zero waste win.
For now, the roses have earned their keep. But… ask me again in two months when I’m plucking raspberries from nearby canes. If the thorns have their way with my arms again, I might be singing a different tune.