Remix It Up Series: A Focus On Color
Most of us are in a continued search to make the most of the clothing and accessories we already own. In the past, I have explored several types of remixing including use of one item in several ways as well as just a few items to create a multitude of outfits. Today, however, I chose to focus on just one aspect of better utilizing my closet ~ color.
I don’t believe remixing has to be difficult. Some of us are naturals (not me) and others press on and learn along the way. So today, I share with you how I use one item of clothing (my beloved cobalt blue dress) and remix with pieces of various colors in some cases to use a piece in different ways but primarily to show how myriad color combinations can create countless outfits. For some, I presume my ideas seem obvious. But I know this concept didn’t always ring so true in my own struggles to make the most of my wardrobe in the past. Some are experts at finding not-so-obvious color combinations while others, including myself, rely on basic blacks and browns quite frequently to avoid days like the clashing fiasco that happened to me in the office just a few years back. After checking out my mixing and matching below, I encourage you to try combing two colors that you haven’t tried before and might just become your new favorite look.
One thing to note: I bear my pasty white bare legs with you in all of these outfits. Certainly that doesn’t provide much excitement, but every one of these outfits could be modified by adding tights to transition the look to colder weather. Maybe, if I’m feeling ambitious enough, I’ll follow up with a winter version of this remix down the road. I expect many of you have a structured, solid colored dress similar to my blue dress that serves you well year round. Do you think a winter edition of this remix would be helpful?
Here goes with the details, let me know what you think:
A classic cardigan and sheath combination for the office, I shared this outfit with you last week as part of the Side by Side Challenge. There, you can see how I wore it without the cardigan and paired it with brown accessories for colder weather. I didn’t include the brown look here, but certainly I will add it to the winter rendition should it come to fruition.
Simple, simple, simple. I love this dress for so many reasons. So a neutral touch with the belt to add some shape to the dress, and the dress can shine on its own.
This mustard combination has had a cameo or two or three on my little blog in the past, and here I share it again. When it works, I just have to go with it. I paired it with cobalt pants a few months back and recycled the color combination today.
This turned out to be my favorite look of the bunch, maybe because it’s slightly out of my comfort zone, not something I often explore, and it seemed to work! It has a hint of festive Fourth of July undertones, but that didn’t bother me. I wore the shirt during our trip in Switzerland earlier this spring if you’d like to see it’s more traditional, unaltered self.
From my most favorite to my least favorite, I haven’t decided if I’m on board with this pairing (but I wanted to share it with you anyway as it may work for a similar more fitted floral blouse or one with a more traditional collar). I tried pairing the same floral blouse with this pink dress a month ago or so in this remix and couldn’t buy into that combination either. The dashes of blue in the print that match the dress don’t show in the photo, but they exist (I promise). Regardless, I love the blouse on it’s own, but maybe under a dress it has to grow on me…
I thrifted this jacket from The Salvation Army just a few weeks back and love that the high neckline allows me to wear it buttoned up without showing the top of the dress. This creates the feel of a skirt instead of a dress (similar to the maroon top above but in a more business casual style). I’m smitten with the versatility of this dress.
Classic office attire – no explanation needed here. Those of us who work in corporate offices have probably all worn this look a time or two. And if not, I recommend adding it. Polished and professional in a black blazer, you can’t go wrong.
My third classic cardigan look exemplifies that color alone really can create versatility in a closet. Each may be the tiniest bit different (belt or no belt, flats or heels), but I used the same basic ingredients for each recipe. And despite being the first appearance for orange and blue as a couple in my work attire, the duo has popped up in my casual wear a time or two recently.
As much as I couldn’t fully get behind the floral blouse under this dress, I do like this combination. I love how the two colors compliment each other, and I adore how the collar sits so perfectly on the neckline of the dress. I added nude shoes to avoid fighting the bold blue and green. This will definitely be showing up in my cubicle in the coming weeks.
I posted this look back in June so I will spare you the analysis and let you refer back to my initial thoughts. But I wanted to include it in my round up to round out the color possibilities in my warm weather wardrobe for this dress.
Although the bright color of the dress may pose some initial questions about it’s color versatility, I know even more options exist that either aren’t in my closet or didn’t make my radar when I gathered my outfits for this remix. I encourage everyone, especially if color (and mixing colors) intimidates you, to challenge yourself to stretch the versatility of one or two things in your clothing arsenal and create a new outfit or two by mixing some colors you may not have initially believed belonged together. Who knows what may end up looking fantastic?!
Let me know if you have any questions ~ I’d love to hear your thoughts.
You look stunning in this gown! That colour looks great on you! However, I believe I look fine in certain tones of it. I wish I had the skills to pull this off!