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New Around Here? 

Be sure to Take A Tour of the blog and then read a bit More About Me to get a better taste of what’s going on around here. In an effort to look and feel great at work, I focus on sharing simply (and often socially responsible) chic style ideas every woman can rock at their desk!

Check out a few of the highlights:

Seeking style inspiration? I have a Gallery of outfits I’ve compiled over the last couple of years blogging. I’m sure you’ll find a few that you love!

Visiting Chicago any time soon? I’m a downtown resident living it up with my family and have shared a few tips about spending time in the Second City without falling into every tourist trap.

You can also check out my 90/10 Socially Responsible Style Challenge in which I’ve challenged myself to purchase at least 90% of my clothes from socially responsible sources (made in the USA, fair trade, eco-conscious, secondhand, etc…) for one year. So far, I’ve really enjoyed and likely will continue after my 12 month challenge period ends.

That should get you started. Hopefully you’ve already confirmed your subscription. We’ll be in touch soon!