5 Great Health Benefits of Having Houseplants

Looking for simple ways to reduce stress? Did you know a few houseplants might just help your health? 

5 Great Health Benefits of Having Houseplants

I’m currently spending time with family and taking a few days away from the blog. While away, I wanted to bring you some great posts from fellow members of the Ethical Writers Coalition. Thanks to Lena from Garden Collage for today’s primer on how house plants can make us healthier. 

In uncertain times, it is normal for our attention to shift to the “bigger picture”. Large-scale issues in current politics, social and economic concerns, and the environment dominate our thoughts, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, particularly if we are taking action, participating in democracy, and working to create change. It is all too easy to neglect self-care, or even see it as selfish, when the world at large seems to be hurting so much– but it is equally vital for us to take care of our bodies and minds. In order to engage in the world in a direct and practical way, it is essential that we stay healthy and grounded.

Some of the most dangerous threats to our health, such as chronic inflammation, higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and decreased rates of neurogenesis, can be reduced by lowering stress levels. You might think: easier said than done, but there are endless ways to do so, some of which are surprisingly simple.

Countless studies have shown that human beings are healthier and less stressed when they are in close proximity to a plant: houseplants, science shows, increase general wellbeing and happiness.

They Clean The Air

On a purely physical level, plants remove carbon dioxide from the air and replace it with oxygen, improving our indoor air quality. Certain plants are capable of removing heavy metals and other toxins like formaldehyde from the air. They also release water vapor through a process called transpiration, which can act as a natural humidifier and remedy for dry skin, sore throats, and dry coughs. A study of patients recovering from abdominal surgery even showed that those who had plants in their hospital room needed less medication and recovered more quickly. Orange Tree, Chinese lace trees, succulents, philodendron, and aloe vera are all great, low-maintenance, non-allergenic options.

Head over to Garden Collage for four more benefits of having a few simple houseplants in our homes

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  1. House plants are very beneficial for our health and it also spread our home environment. Thanks for your nice discussion about house planting. Your blog is so useful, Please keep sharing your knowledge with us.

  2. I am a fan of house plants. I started about two months ago with a cactus and another one I forgot the name. Seems like it changes the overall environment of my room.

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